Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mod Podged Ceramic Water Crock Tutorial

Since we live in Vegas, we go through a lot of water in the summers. I bought this plain white water crock last year. It was screaming, "Mod Podge me!". So, of course I finally listened and am so in love with the end result!

I used about 4 pieces of scrapbooking paper. These were the ones that have a coordinating color on the back side. I chose this particular print because it looks like water drops...super cute right?

I love the way ripped paper looks when it's Mod Podged. The raw edges add a great look to the finished product. I ripped the paper into strips and made sure that there were no straight edges left. Then you can tear them up into smaller pieces.

First, unscrew the dispenser part from the inside and remove it. Brush on the Mod Podge where you want to start. Then put a piece of paper on that spot. Brush more Mod Podge on the paper until it's smooth.

*The best way to smooth it is to use your finger. Brushes leave brush strokes and you can really get them out as well as any air bubbles this way.

Keep adding paper around the crock. When you are doing the part that is curved, use smaller pieces. When you are at the bottom, just smooth the paper along the edge with your finger. I made sure that my papers had somewhat straight edges along the bottom.

I saved the top for last, again using somewhat straight edges.

Let it all dry really well. Overnight is best. Since Mod Podge isn't water proof, I recommend using a non-toxic sealer.

Screw the dispenser part back on and it's all done!


  1. How cute! I did notice the water droplets. Good job :D

  2. This came out cute, I really love the color choice. ~Lori

  3. So much better than how plain it was and I love the water drops!

  4. I never would of thought of that! cool

    I'm your newest follower!

  5. thanks for visiting my little blogspot! i'm following you back.

  6. I love Mod Podge! And I love following your blog, so I gave you an award!

  7. This so unique and interesting! Great idea!

  8. What an amazing idea to spruce up a plain water jug. Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower!

  9. Melanie, I finally figured out how to do the linky thing so I could post about the award! Yay me! lol Allison

  10. Great idea!! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am your newest follower. =)


  11. P.S. I have something for you over at my blog!

  12. Much more cheerfull than plain white.I would have never thought of this-one re3ason I joined your blog roll! HA!

  13. This is such a cute idea! I have several lamps that are in great condition but the color is out-dated. This might be just the concept I need to give them a face lift. Thanks for sharing!


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