Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Scarf Giveaway Winner!!

Ok, so since I have 2 boys that BOTH wanted to draw a number, I decided to give away 2 scarves!

If you didn't win, I have a few of my scarves listed in my etsy shop.

The first winner was #12 - Debbie from Debbiedoo's!!! I was stoked for Debbie to win, since her Newby Linky Party has helped me gain a huge majority of my followers!

The second winner was #19 - ...with Love, SB from Social Butterfly!!!

Congratulations! Please send me your addresses and I will mail out your scarves! If you would like one of the other scarves in my Etsy shop, let me know and I'll switch it for you!



  1. Congralations to Debbiedoos and SB. Love the pics of your boys drawing the winners. Excellent hat.

  2. Thanks You! This has just made my day!

  3. Awesome! Congrats to the winners! Debbie is a gem, isn't she? She has helped all of us "newbies" so much!! She will look fantastic in that scarf!!


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