Monday, April 18, 2011

National Wildlife Federation Auction and Giveaway!!!

Check out this amazing auction and giveaway on Upcycled By Ash!

Find the auction through her facebook page: National Wildlife Federation Auction - Upcycled By Ash.

She has some amazing items including some bags upcycled from Alyssa Milano's pants. Too funny!

I love these upcycled water bottle cuff bracelets as well

Check out this blog for some great upcycling ideas!

Don't forget to enter the giveaway! I can't believe that the winner will receive all of these items!

I am linking to Debbiedoo's Newby Party. If you have been blogging for under 1 year OR have under 100 followers, link up and join the fun!


  1. Sounds exciting! Great stuff too. Thanks for sharing with my newbie party.

  2. Just saying thanks for the comment on my blog! Also, I joined the newbie party. Heehee!!

    much love



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